Please adhere to the Welsh Government Guidelines and those that have been set up throughout the church building for the well-being of others and yourselves.
1. Please do not come to the service if you have a high temperature, a new continuous cough or a loss or a change to your sense of smell or taste.
2. If you are over 70, have underlying health issues, or in a shielded category, it is advisable not to attend.
3. Full cleaning of the church building will be carried out prior to any service.
4. Full sanitising of all surfaces including doors, pews, chairs etc will take place after each service.
5. Entry to the church building is from the front of the church only; please adhere to the 2 metre safe distance guidelines at all times, the side and front of the church entry pathways have been clearly marked out for those waiting to enter the building.
6. To avoid crowding, attendees should not stop for conversations at the entrance or corridor areas, and should proceed into their seat, filling up from the front to the back of the church.
7. The gallery seating should be filled from the back to the front.
8. The cloakroom is not to be used, all overcoats to be taken into the service area.
9. Church cushions, hymn books and Bibles are not to be used, please provide your own until further notice and please take them home after the service.
10. When the service is over the attendees should leave the building, starting from the back seats, in a controlled and orderly manner to avoid overcrowding and in keeping with the 2 metre guidelines. Attendees in the Gallery should leave the building starting with those in the front seats, working up towards those in the back.
11. The 2 metre distances between seats in some areas has not been possible, so we intend using the Track and Trace scheme to log all those attending the services. These details will only be submitted if a Coronavirus case occurs. All information taken will be kept for a period 21 days and then destroyed.
12. The wearing of face coverings is optional but advised.
13. We are unable to sing in the services, but recorded hymns will be played.
14. Toilets are located at the back of the minor hall downstairs, please adhere to the 2 metre distance guidelines throughout the building in the permitted areas and please give way on the stairway to the minor hall. A mirror has been installed to be able to see those on the stairway. A maximum of 2 persons allowed in the ladies and gents at any one time.
15. Please use the hand sanitisers provided on entering and leaving the building, and please wash hands as-per the government’s guidelines after use of toilets. Please wipe any surfaces touched with wipes provided and dispose of used wipes in the bins provided. Please do not flush them down the toilets.
16. Non-essential areas of the building, including the kitchen area, are out of use to all attendees. Please bring bottled drinking water with you if required.
17. To conform to the Welsh Government Guidelines regarding ventilation of the worship area, we intend opening all windows and various doors, please wear clothing that is suitable for the weather conditions.
18. Please refer to the Welsh Government Guidelines, Bethel Church Risk Assessment, Bethel seating plans and video on our Bethel website for further information. If you have any concerns or observations, please notify one of the deacons.
19. The seating numbers are limited so please come early to ensure you get a seat.
20. No offering will be taken up during the service, but a box will be provided in the vestibule if you wish to contribute.